Become Bright Within


What is Become Bright Within?

Become Bright Within is my Passion Project. I am a Life Coach who focuses Self-Love in all aspects of that word. The phrase came to me over a year ago, but at that time I didn’t understand exactly where I was going with it. What was Become Bright Within to ME? It was more a “battle-cry” for myself. I didn’t care what life was going to throw at me anymore, it was my new mission to learn how to find inner peace and happiness. Through personal trial and error, I began to realize that there were three very specific key components to healing oneself from the inside out and it all starts with learning how to care for yourself, learning to take time out for yourself, and learning how to accept yourself.

You start with Self-Love, Self-Esteem, & Self-Acceptance. Once you begin to express love to yourself, your esteem will grow upwards. You can only truly begin accept yourself once you understand how to fully love yourself and be more confident in your skin.

Over time, I have sprinkled a small variety of other positive influences such as what I was eating, how much exercise I was getting, and meditation. This all goes into Self-Care, where too many of us let our basic needs go by the wayside, because we caught up in the ever so swiftly moving aspects of life. Time doesn’t wait for you. You must act now, here in this moment!

I created what I call ‘Moments of Happiness’ as my first step to learn how to self-heal. I found that in the beginning it seemed exceptionally difficult to find the happiness in the day. So I began journaling my Moments of Happiness which entailed anything I considered a win for that day and I HAD to come up with at least three moments. At first, it was just simply getting out of bed, going to work, surviving the day.

Over time, a shift happened. I didn’t even have to think about what was happy that day. It was taking pleasure in discovering my passion for running, my passion for cooking at home (again haha), my passion for puzzles I never knew I had, my wins as a business owner. I had so much to be grateful for every single day, much more than just three things. All I had to do, was remove the veil. All I had to do was be accepting with an open mind, heart, arms, and soul.

Guess what? So can you!



Become Bright Within